Food Today, Food Security Tomorrow
Helping the Caribbean Thrive through Food, Nutrition, and Love.
Establish 1st Local Office in St. Thomas
Secure 10 Founding Partnerships
Sponsor 6 Community Events with 6 CBU Partnerships
Provide 750,000 Meals to the Community
In 2022 Feeding Caribbean will establish our roots in St. Thomas, USVI. This base will allow our reach to grow as we continue to establish relationships with the locals and new partners across the globe. Our Founding Partnerships will enable our island presence and the expansion of our Mission in communities throughout the Caribbean.
Presence in All 30 Caribbean Islands
Multi-Tiered Partnerships that Enable Service across the Caribbean
Events on Every Caribbean Island through Partnerships
Provide 7,500,000 Meals to the Community
Over the next five years, Feeding Caribbean will spread our reach across the entire Caribbean. Partners of all levels will have fueled a widespread and enduring presence with profound community impacts that will be evident in each of the unique Caribbean communities.